Business Advertising

Blogging and content marketing for your small business

Creating a content marketing strategy is key to making sure you are not wasting your time doing all of that blogging for your small business. Whether you have just opened your own start-up company or you are considering buying a franchise, you need to think about your content marketing strategy. Here’s why: Why is content […]

10 ways to promote your business online for free

The words “online marketing strategy” can make you imagine big numbers and high costs… Yet the beauty of the internet is that there are many ways to find more customers online for no cost at all. Here are 10 ways to promote your business online for free: 1) Boost your website SEO If you run […]

Writing for Social Media: 10 Tips you Can’t Miss.

Writing for social media is a little different than writing for other channels…at times it calls for approaches that wouldn’t work elsewhere. Giving your brand a voice that works online can be challenging but it’s necessary to stand out from the crowd – and if you’re a franchisee, you need to make sure that your […]